Monday, September 29, 2008

Breaking the Internet Restrictions

How many times have you wanted to access YouTube and couldn't because you were on campus? I love when professors want to use YouTube but can't without a work around. One professor told me how he loads all the YouTube videos on his computer at home and then brings it to school to show his student. For professors, they can get passwords for temporary access but this solution is not available for students.

I can understand the restriction to YouTube as a concept because for the most part it is not being used for educational purposes but I get emails from professors and the like directing me to YouTube to watch a video. So I have to wait until I am off campus to access it. Too bad for those who live on campus.

But why break the internet restrictions? Because there is a lot to learn and for a visual learner like myself, it is very helpful. In my communications class, it was really helpful in learning concepts to add a little clip that showed an example.

So go ahead and use the internet filters, vpn, and remote access to watch YouTube.

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