Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Break This: Pre-Pre-Holiday Merchandise and Sales

Has anyone noticed that it is Christmas already? Neither have I, but the stores around town sure think it is. Not that there is anything wrong with holiday discounts, in fact, I love a good deal just as much as the next guy. The only I have with the retail industry at this point, is them thinking that they can start selling for Christmas at the beginning of October. Go to a local store and you can see them putting in decorations, gift ideas, ornaments, trees, the whole nine yards.

The sad part is that there are plenty of other holidays during this time of the year that are getting totally pushed aside by the big guy in a red suit and his reindeer. What happened to Halloween? Or Thanksgiving? I guess they will just reduce the prices further when they come but leave up the decorations fro Christmas. Or even better, why not mesh the decorations of all of the holidays into one display.

Think of it. Santa with a Jack-o-lantern head and turkeys pulling the sled. I can see it now. Seriously, though, this has got to stop. Besides sapping our wallets for a longer period of time and making us feel inclined to buy something we don't really need, the decorations are way too soon and way too much. This needs to stop.

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